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gunnar smoliansky

1933 – 2019

Swedish photographer Gunnar Smoliansky has devoted himself to the medium since the 1950s, originally working as a photographers assistant and attending courses under Christer Strömholm. Between 1956 and 1965 he worked as an industrial photographer and since 1965 practiced as an independent artist. Smoliansky works exclusively in black and white and develops his photographs by hand in the darkroom. Stockholm has been the focus of Smolianskys photographic world, particularly the areas of Södermalm and Saltsjö-Boo where he has lived and worked for most of his life. These books explore Smolianskys photographic oeuvre, focusing on nine publications originally created by Smoliansky in cooperation with art director Henrik Nygren between 2002 and 2008. These include both slim volumes and an imposing monograph. With one exception, all were originally published in Swedish, but all have been translated to English for this publication. A newly written tenth chapter brings this essential artistic career up to the present day. Despite the range of themes and material, the intention throughout has been the same: to try to shine a light on a man of integrity, an artist whose life work was as unique as it was consistent – Henrik Nygren.


Softcover  I  Set of 2  I  17 x 24 cm  I  1199 pages  I  English and Swedish

gunnar smoliansky

1933 – 2019

Swedish photographer Gunnar Smoliansky has devoted himself to the medium since the 1950s, originally working as a photographers assistant and attending courses under Christer Strömholm. Between 1956 and 1965 he worked as an industrial photographer and since 1965 practiced as an independent artist. Smoliansky works exclusively in black and white and develops his photographs by hand in the darkroom. Stockholm has been the focus of Smolianskys photographic world, particularly the areas of Södermalm and Saltsjö-Boo where he has lived and worked for most of his life. These books explore Smolianskys photographic oeuvre, focusing on nine publications originally created by Smoliansky in cooperation with art director Henrik Nygren between 2002 and 2008. These include both slim volumes and an imposing monograph. With one exception, all were originally published in Swedish, but all have been translated to English for this publication. A newly written tenth chapter brings this essential artistic career up to the present day. Despite the range of themes and material, the intention throughout has been the same: to try to shine a light on a man of integrity, an artist whose life work was as unique as it was consistent – Henrik Nygren.


Softcover  I  Set of 2  I  17 x 24 cm  I  1199 pages  I  English and Swedish